Misunderstandings are inevitable (不可避免的) in communication. If such misfortune 61 what

Misunderstandings are inevitable (不可避免的) in communication. If such misfortune 61 what is your response? Here are some 62 for responding properly. First, 63 yourself down when you feel you are 64. It is natural to become bitter when being misunderstood, but the truth is that anger does nothing to 65 the misunderstanding. So try to 66 calm and think what lies behind the mistake and how to 67 rid of it. Second, take a positive attitude toward misunderstanding. Instead of resentment (愤恨), you should 68 the problem to the person who misunderstood you. Be patient and objective, and in most cases you will find reconciliation (和解) for you and your friend to each other. Last but not the least, try to find the reason of misunderstanding in communication. For example, if the conversation occurs between people coming from different countries, the way to 69 with the misunderstanding is to notice the different backgrounds. Because you now 70 that understanding can and should be reestablished, you can take some the previously mentioned measures when you are misunderstood. 61A.occurs B.arrives C.comes D.connects 62A.points B.tips C.thoughts D.arguments 63A.present B.take C.turn D.calm 64A.misunderstood B.refused C.disappointed D.operated 65A.help B.clarify C.make D.shift 66A.remain B.find C.have D.deal 67A.take B.make C.get D.join 68A.ask B.explain C.take D.commit 69A.solve B.act C.meet D.deal 70A.found B.know C.convinced D.formed

时间:2023-11-29 19:38:49
