
【题目描述】 A person of integrity not only sets high moral and ethical standards but also______.A.sticks to them in their daily life B.makes them known to others C.understands their true values D.sees that others also follow them <table><tr><td>【我提交的答案】:</td></tr><tr><td>【参考答案与解析】: 正确答案:A</td></tr></table>答案分析: 解析:该句首先提出:正直的关键就是言行一致,然后在破折号后对其进行解释,用not only...but also强调了正直的两个方面:给自己制定严格的做人准则和每天坚持遵守这些准则。题干中的not only sets...standards与该句的not only setting high personal standards对应,[A]sticks to them in their daily life与该句的living up to those standards each and every day对应,故为答案。 文章在哪里

时间:2023-07-05 15:49:03
