I am an idiot!I am a madman!I hold your mom!I hold! 我自己搞出来都想笑!哈哈哈! 你们觉得呢?

时间:2023-01-11 13:19:41


  • I am afraid it was a()for you to do this.

    A、bother B、bitter C、bake D、band

  • I am sorry () waiting for a long time.

    A . to keeping you B . to kept you C . to have kept you D . kept you

  • I am proceeding at a slackened speed. Here SLACKENED stands for().

    A . reduced B . increased C . normal D . half

  • I am a fresh air fiend.()

    A . 我是邪神,喜欢新鲜空气。 B . 我酷爱室外的活动。 C . 我这人特喜欢新鲜空气。 D . 我是个喜爱户外运动的人。

  • I am proceeding at a slackened speed. Here slackened stands for().

    A . reduced B . increased C . normal D . half

  • I am a __________, and I teach in an American university.

  • When I am , I will buy a BMW.

  • I am a personal assistant and I am responsible ____ the office.

  • 当Merida说:I am a ___ __. I’m the example.我是公主。我必须做出榜样。( )

  • 2、 With a bright sun, I am happy, and if the sun is brighter, I feel happier 。

  • 给出源字符串:String str = \i am a student

  • Sandra: Hi. My 1 For a graduation gift 1 is Sandra Smith. I am a 12 . Debbie: Hello! I am Debbie Diaz. Nice to 13 you ! Kim Kimal: Hi, My name is Kim Kimal. I am a 14 and an 15 .

  • 听力原文:M: Good morning, Dr. Smith. My name is Peter. I am a freshman in your department. There are a few things that I am not quite sure of and I do need your advice.

    W: Thank you very much for your trust, Peter. As your academic advisor I will try my best to help you. M: Thanks. It's about my major... W: Well, what's the matter? M: I used to major in English, but now I have made up my mind to switch to Applied Linguistics, concentrating on Teaching English as a Foreign Language. W: So you want to switch majors? M: Yes. But I wonder if it is possible. W: Well, usually we allow it, as long as you have enough credits. M: That's good news for me. I'm not interested in literature and that sort of thing. I want to be a real teacher, Professor. But I'm worried about the make-up credits. W: You usually do have to make up some credits when you switch majors. Are you OK on credits? M: Not too many. I'll have to add about 12 credits as far as I can. figure from my transcript. Would you please let me know how many credits are required to get a master's degree? W: Usually thirty-six credits are needed, ff you take five courses per term, you'll have enough credits after just two semesters. Usually each course is worth three credits. To get the six remaining credits you either prepare a thesis or take two more courses. M: Is there anything else besides the 36 credits for the master's? W: You have to have an oral defense. M: I see.I really appreciate your help,Professor. W: Glad I can help.Good luck.Peter. (23) A.A literature professor. B.An academic advisor. C.Dean of the English Department. D.A Doctor of Applied Linguistics.

  • I Cry, Therefore I Am [A] In 2008, at a German zoo, a gorilla (大猩猩) named Gana gave

    I Cry, Therefore I Am [A] In 2008, at a German zoo, a gorilla (大猩猩) named Gana gave birth to a male infant, who died after three months. Photographs of Gana, looking stricken and inconsolable (伤心欲绝的), attracted crowds to the zoo. Sad as the scene was, the humans, not Gana, were the only ones crying. The notion that animals can weep has no scientific basis. Years of observations by biologists Dian Fossey, who observed gorillas, and Jane Goodall, who worked with chimpanzees (黑猩猩), could not prove that animals cry tears from emotion. [B] It’s true that many animals shed tears, especially in response to pain. Tears protect the eye by keeping it moist. But crying as an expression of feeling is unique to humans and has played an essential role in human evolution and the development of human cultures. [C] Within two days an infant can imitate sad and happy faces. If an infant does not cry out, it is unlikely to get the attention it needs to survive. Around 34 months, the relationship between the human infant and its environment takes on a more organized communicative role, and tearful crying begins to serve interpersonal purposes: the search for comfort and pacification (抚慰). As we get older, crying becomes a tool of social interaction: grief and joy, shame and pride, fear and manipulation. [D] Tears are as universal as laughter, and grief is more complex than joy. But although we all cry, we do so in different ways. Women cry more frequently and intensely than men, especially when exposed to emotional events. Like crying, depression is, around the world, more commonly seen in women than in men. One explanation might be that women, who despite decades of social advances still suffer from economic inequality, discrimination (歧视) and even violence, might have more to cry about. Men not only cry for shorter periods than women, but they also are less inclined to explain their tears, usually shed them more quietly, and tend more frequently to apologize when they cry openly. Men, like women, report crying at the death of a loved one and in response to a moving religions experience. They are more likely than women to cry when their core identities—as providers and protectors, as fathers and fighters—are questioned. [E] People who score on personality tests as more sympathetic cry more than those who are more rigid or have more self-control. Frequency of crying varies widely: some shed tears at any novel or movie, others only a handful of times in their lives. Crying in response to stress and conflict in the home, or after emotional trauma (创伤), lasts much longer than tears induced by everyday sadness—which in turn last longer than tears of delight and joy. [F] Sadness is our primary association with crying, but the fact is that people report feeling happier after crying. Surveys estimate that 85% of women and 73% of men report feeling better after shedding tears. Surprisingly, crying is more commonly associated with minor forms of depression than with major depression involving suicidal thoughts. [G] People widely report that crying relieves tension, restores emotional balance and provides “catharsis”, a washing out of bad feelings. The term “catharsis” has religious implications of removing evil and sin; it’s no surprise that religious ceremonies are, around the world, one of the main settings for the release of tears. [H] Crying is a nearly universal sign of grief, though some mourners report that, despite genuine sorrow, they cannot shed tears—sometimes even for years after their loved one has gone. Unlike today, when the privacy of grief is more respected, the public or ceremonial shedding of tears, at the graveside of a spouse or the funeral of a king or queen, was once considered socially or even politically essential. [I] Crying has also served other social purposes. Rousseau wrote in his Confessions that while he considered tears the most powerful expression of love, he also just liked to cry over nothing. [J] The association of tears with art has ancient roots. The classic Greek tragedies of the fifth century B.C. were primarily celebrations of gods. Tragedies, like poetry and music, were staged religions events. Even then it was recognized that crying in response to drama brought pleasure. [K] I have argued that there are neurobiological (神经生物方面的) associations linking the arts and mood disorders. When I lecture on crying, I ask my audience to let me know, by a show of hands, which art forms most move them to tears. About 80% say music, followed closely by novels (74%), but then the figures fall sharply, to 43%, for poetry, and 10-22% for paintings, sculpture and architecture. [L] The physical act of crying is mainly one of breathing in air, which is why we choke up when we weep. This suggests to language scientists that emotional crying evolved before language, perhaps explaining why tears communicate states of mind and feelings that are often so difficult to express in words. Of course, from an evolutionary perspective, recognition of emotion (usually through facial gesture) was essential for survival. [M] The earliest humans arrived several million years ago, but only 150,000 to 200,000 years ago, did cultures, language, religion and the arts arise. Along the way, tears became more than a biological necessity to lubricate (润滑) the eye and developed into a sign of intense emotion and a signal of social bonding. The development of self-consciousness and the notion of individual identity, or ego; storytelling about the origins of the world, the creation of humanity and life after death; and the ability to feel others’ sadness—all were critical parts of the neurobiological changes that made us human [N] More recently, we’ve learned from neuroscience that certain brain circuits (回路) are activated (激活), rapidly and unconsciously, when we see another in emotional distress. In short, our brain evolved circuits to allow us to experience sympathy, which in turn made civilization, and an ethics based on sympathy, possible. So the next time you reach a tissue box, or sob on a friend’s shoulder, or shed tears at the movies, stop and reflect on why we cry and what it means to cry. Becanse ultimately, while we love to cry, we also cry to love. 46. Nowadays people respect the privacy of grief more than in the past. 47. Infants cry to attract attention for survival. 48. There is no scientific evidence as yet that animals can shed tears from emotion. 49. Tears can perform. certain communicative functions which words cannot. 50. Our ability to experience sympathy is essential to the development of civilization. 51. People are more inclined to cry when suffering minor forms of depression. 52. Sometimes people cannot cry despite genuine grief. 53. In humans’ long history, tears have developed an essential role in social relationships. 54. Men are less likely to give reasons for their tears. 55. Crying has long been associated with art.

  • I am a new _______、I was hired yesterday.

    A、employer B、employee C、employment D、fence

  • I am a very honest man,_____?

    A.aren"t I B.ain"t I C.am I D.isn"t it

  • Hello,什么 a new student here?什么,I am

  • 【填空题】I?am?a?giraffe?and?I?bend?my?_____. 答案: neck

  • I am an art student and 1 paint a lt f pictures. ()

    A.他们总是告诉你一幅画的“意思”是什么。 B.有很多人装成很懂现代艺术的样子, C. 我是个学艺术的学生,画了很多画。 D.它们就是些好看的图案。

  • 写一程序统计字符串“ I am a student ”的长度和字母 a 出现的次数。 ()

  • I am hungry, I want to eat in a __________.

    A.post office B.restaurant C.bank

  • I am writing to introduce you an excited new service that we are to launch in the New Year. ()

    A.introduce you B.excited C.service D.are to launch

  • I’ve got a cell phone, email and voice mail. But why am I so lonely

  • Where()you this morning?I am()a meeting.

    A.are; at B.is; in C.are; in D.is; at