Passage 2第26题:

Passage 2<img src='' /> <img src='' /> 第26题: <img src='' />

时间:2023-09-25 17:57:14


  • 第26题关于术后脑功能障碍的发生原因哪项是不正确的

    A . A.吸入麻醉药可引起脑功能障碍,其中以环丙烷为常见 B . B.氯胺酮所引起的情绪反应最为常见 C . C.术后脑功能障碍与手术无关 D . D.巴比妥类药物和麻醉性镇痛药较少术后谵妄、躁动 E . E.术前药如抗胆碱药物东莨菪胆碱与麻醉手术后兴奋的发生率呈正相关

  • 第26题:项目的质量目标不仅涉及施工的质量, 还包括()。

    A:设计质量 B:材料质量 C:设备质量 D:影响项目运行的环境质量 E:影响项目运营的条件

  • 第26题:以下关于质量控制的说法正确的是()。

    A:指对工作效果进行评价和改进的一系列工作 B:在建造行业指对工作活动的监控 C:质量控制与质量管理是同一的 D:要实现预期的质量目标, 管理活动的组织与协调是必要的

  • 第26题:职业健康安全管理体系文件包括()。[2019真题]

    A:管理手册 B:程序文件 C:管理方案 D:作业文件 E:初始状态评审文件

  • 第26题:建设工程项目管理的合同结构图反映的是()。

    A:一个项目管理班子中各工作单位之间的合同关系 B:一个建设项目参与单位之间的合同关系 C:一个项目管理班子中各部门之间的合同关系 D:一个建设项目参与部门之间的合同关系

  • 第26题:中华人民共和国国务院的各部、 委员会可依法制定()。

    A:地方性法规 B:行政法规 C:部门规章 D:法律

  • 第26题:下列情形中,视为投标人相互串通投标的有()。[2018真题]

    A:不同投标人的投标文件由同一人编制 B:不同投标人的投标文件的报价呈规律性差异 C:不同投标人的投标文件相互混装 D:属于同一组织的成员按照该组织要求协同投标 E:投标人之间约定部分投标人放弃投标

  • 第26题:下列关于安全生产许可证的管理的说法, 错误的是()。

    A:企业在取得安全生产许可证之前, 不得从事建筑施工活动 B:建设主管部门可以在施工单位获得安全生产许可证之前向其颁发施工许可证 C:企业不得转让、 冒用安全生产许可证 D:企业不得使用伪造的安全生产许可证

  • 第26题:在工程建设标准中, ()不属于强制性标准的用词。

    A:不得 B:不应 C:必须 D:不宜

  • 第26题:激光测距仪可测距离达到()km。[2020]

    A:40 B:50 C:60 D:70

  • 第26题:关于二灰混合料拌合、运输和施工的说法,正确的有()。

    A:宜采用强制式拌和机拌合 B:运输时,应采取遮盖封闭措施防止水分损失和遗撤 C:摊铺中发生粗、细集料离析时,应及时翻拌均匀 D:碾压应在自然含水量时进行 E:应在潮湿状态下养护,常温下不宜少于7d

  • 第26题:下列关于水玻璃的说法错误的是()。[2020]

    A:水玻璃又称泡花碱,是一种碱金属硅酸盐 B:硅酸钠水玻璃最为常用 C:水玻璃具有良好的黏结性能和很强的耐酸腐蚀性 D:水玻璃具有较差的耐热性能,高温易分解

  • 第26题:直流高压电器指,电压()V以上的电器

    A:220 B:380 C:1000 D:1500

  • 第26题:由承包商提出的工程表更,由()批准

    A:发包人 B:监理工程师 C:业主 D:承包商负责人

  • 第 29 题 周某故意伤害一案,人民法院于2008年9月12日作出一审判决,判处周某有期徒刑2年。周某在2008年9月15 日向上级人民法院提起了上诉,同日,人民检察院也提起抗诉。9月26 日,检察院申请撤回抗诉,次日周某也申请撤回上诉,则人民法院应当如何处理?

    A.二审人民法院应当裁定准许人民检察院撤回抗诉 B.二审人民法院应当裁定准许周某撤回上诉 C.二审人民法院应当对案件进行审查后再裁定是否准许人民检察院撤回抗诉 D.二审人民法院应当对案件进行审查后再裁定是否准许周某撤回上诉

  • passage 3 第31题:

    passage 3<img src='' /> 第31题: <img src='' />

  • 第 26 题 下列关于公务员制度的具体说法,正确的是:

    A.章某与华某系一受贿案件同案违法人,章某在供述时刻意隐瞒了华某的违法事实,可以对章某从重处分 B.刘某系某市市长,由于该市发生特大安全生产事故,该市政府向市人大常委会提出了免职建议,在免职前该市政府应该暂停其履行的职务 C.周某系大王乡人,其不能在该乡政府法制科担任科员工作 D.规划局公务员丁某被撤职,其可以在知道处理结果之日起30日内向同级公务员主管部门提出申诉,申诉期间对丁某降低行政级别

  • 下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23~26题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2~5段每段1选择个最佳标题;(2)第27~30题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定1个最佳选项。

    Money or Friendship or Both 1 Friends and money don't mix. It's a dangerous combination since a fight over money is one of the fastest ways to end a friendship. But what if a friend asks you to lend him or her some money? If you don't lend your friend the money, you risk losing the friend If you do lend your friend the money, you risk losing both the friendship and your money 2 We have to face facts, so here are some situations you might run across with your buddies (伙伴) - and some helpful tips (忠告) on how to deal with them. Think about why this person needs to borrow in the first place. If he is always living beyond his means, it's his fault, not yours. Any sensible person would not put himself in a position of debt so often. So simply say "no" to this friend. Even if your friend really needs that money for emergency use and you are willing to help him, before you dived into your pocket, follow this reality check: Do you have the extra money? Are you sure you don't need it? Are you willing to write off that amount if it's not returned? If your answers are negative, do yourself a favor and say "no". 3 Let's assume you can't stand saying "no" to your friend because you don't want him living off cat food. What do you do? Write down these details on a sheet of paper before opening up your wallet: Amount of the loan. Date of the loan. Time of repayment. Amount of interest (if any). Lender's and borrower's signature. This will at least keep the borrower from forgetting the loan so easily. If your friend's loan is past due, it's important that you ask him - and it's actually not rude. The longer you wait, the more you brood (忧伤), and the more your resentment builds. 4 You can send him a friendly reminder via e-mail. Tell him something like 'Tm going over my bank account and I'm just wondering when we'll be able to settle that money thing." E-mail saves you from an uncomfortable face-to-face confrontation. There is almost no chance of turning a bad reaction into an argument. Unlike a public conversation, an e-mail message will always be private. 5 After asking two or three times, you might have to wnte it off and the friendship with it. That's what happens. If he just doesn't have the money or is unwilling, then what kind of friend is that? 23 Paragraph 2 . 24 Paragraph 3 . 25 Paragraph 4 . 26 Paragraph 5 . A Time to break off a friendship B Unconditional assistance to friends in need C Things to consider when you have to say "no" to your friend D Things to think over when you don't want your friend to eat cat food E Strategies for borrowing money F Advantages of e-mail in handling money issues

  • 下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23~26题要求从所给的6个选项中为第1~4段每段1选择个最佳标题;(2)第27~30题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定1个最佳选项。

    Understanding Autism 1 Autism (孤独症) is a life-long developmental disability that prevents individuals from properly understanding what they see, hear, and otherwise sense. This results in severe problems of social relationships, communication, and behavior. Individuals with autism have to painstakingly '(费力地) learn normal patterns of speech and communication, and appropriate ways to relate to people, objects, and events, in a similar manner to those who have had a stroke. 2 The cause of autism is still unknown. Some research suggests a physical problem affecting those parts of the brain that process language and information coming in from the senses. There may be some imbalance of certain chemicals in the brain. Genetic (遗传的) factors may sometimes be involved. Autism may indeed result from a combination of several "causes". 3 Most people with mental retardation (智力迟钝的)show relatively even skill development. Individuals with autism, however, typically show uneven skill development, with deficits (~欠缺) in certain areas - most frequently in their ability to communicate and relate to others - and distinct skills in other areas. It is important to distinguish autism from mental retardation or other disorders, since diagnostic (诊断的) confusion may lead to inappropriate and ineffective treatment techniques. 4 In general, individuals with autism perform. best at jobs which are structured and involve a degree of repetition. Some people who have autism are working as artists, piano tuners, painters, farm workers, office workers, computer operators, dishwashers, assembly line workers, or employees of sheltered workshops or other sheltered work settings. 23 Paragraph 1 24 Paragraph 2 25 Paragraph 3 26 Paragraph 4 A What causes autism? B How common is autism? C Does autism occur together with other disabilities? D What is the difference between autism and mental retardation? E What is autism? F What kinds of jobs can individuals with autism do?

  • 阅读下面这篇短文,短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23~26题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2—5段每段选择1个

    阅读下面这篇短文,短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23~26题要求从所给的6个选项 中为第2—5段每段选择1个正确的小标题;(2)第27~30题要求从所给的6个选项中选 择4个正确选项,分别完成每个句子。请将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 Even Intelligent People Can Fail 1 The striking thing about the innovators who succeeded in making our modern world is how often they failed.Turn oil a light,take a photograph,watch TV,search the web,jet across the Pacific on a cellphone(手机).The innovators who left us these things had to find the way to success through a maze(错综复杂)of wrong turns. 2 We have just celebrated the 125th anniversary of American innovator Thomas Edison’s success in heating n thin line to white,hot heat for 14 hours in his lab in New Jersey,US.He did that on October 22.1879.and followed up a month later by keeping a thread of common cardboard alight(点亮着的)in an airless space for 45 hours.Three years later he went on to light up half a square mile of downtown Manhattan,even though only one of the six power plants in his design worked when he turned it on,on September 4,1882. 3 “Many of 1ife’S failures”the supreme innovator said.“are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up”Before that magical moment in October 1879. Edison had worked out no fewer than 3.000 theories about electric light.But in only two cases did his experiments work. 4 N0 one likes failure,but the smart innovators learn from it.Mark Gumz.the head of the camera maker Olympus America Inc.attributes some of the company’S successes in technology to understanding failure.His popular phrase is:“You only fail when you quit” 5 0ver two centuries,the most common quality of the innovators has been persistence That is another way of saying they had the emotional ability to keep up what they were doing.Walt Disney,the founder of Disneyland,was so broke after a succession of financial failures that he was left shoeless in his office because he could not afford the US$1.50 to get his shoes from the repair shop.Pioneering Car maker Henry Ford failed with one company and was forced out of another before he developed the Model T Car. 6 Failure is harder to bear in today’s open,accelerated world.Hardly any innovation works the first time But an impatient society and the media want instant success When American music and movie master David Geffen had a difficult time,a critic said nastily that the only difference between Geffen Records (Geffen’s company)and the Titanic(the ship that went down) was that the Titanic had better music.Actually,it wasn’t.After four years of 10sses.Geffen had so many hits(成功的作品)he could afford a ship as big as the Titanic all to himself. <img src='' />

  • 请教:2010辽宁省公安、监狱劳教系统《公安基础知识》真题及答案第2大题第26小题如何解答?

    【题目描述】 下列属于公安行政强制执行的是()。 A.罚款 B.强制约束 C.强制拘留 D.责令停产停业 <table><tr><td>【我提交的答案】: D</td></tr><tr><td>【参考答案与解析】: 正确答案:C</td></tr></table>答案分析: 略 4个都可以强制执行啊

  • 请教:山东省公务员考试(行政职业能力测验)模拟试卷6第2大题第26小题如何解答?

    【题目描述】 在优酷推出知名相声演员郭德纲收费专场后不久,其盗版内容就出现在竞争对手搜狐的网站上。这引发了中国互联网行业的一连串争斗。9月份,搜狐联合部分网络公司起诉优酷等视频网站,称这些视频网站播放大量涉嫌侵权的视频,优酷则反诉指控搜狐涉嫌诽谤以及非法使用郭德纲的节目视频。优酷表示:“他们召开新闻发布会指责我们侵犯了他们的内容,第二天我们就找到了他们侵犯我们版权的证据。” 该段文字所述现象反映的本质是( )。A.反盗版是行业生存需要 B.中国互联网行业盗版现象十分猖獗 C.中国企业知识产权保护意识增强 D.中国企业正在认真对待盗版问题 <table><tr><td>【我提交的答案】: B</td></tr><tr><td>【参考答案与解析】: 正确答案:A</td></tr></table>答案分析: 解析:意图推断题。本题适宜采用排除法。显然本段文字涉及的是互联网行业中的盗版和侵权问题,之所以引起纠纷,其本质是因为牵扯到利益问题,而不是企业的知识产权保护意识以及反盗版意识的增强,且由个别并不能推及整体,故而排除C项和D项;B项只是对现象的简单概括,且“中国互联网行业”无端扩大了主体范围、“猖獗”曲解了文段的语体色彩,因此B项排除。故本题正确答案选择A项,事实上,正是因为行业间的利益竞争是生存发展的根本,盗版触及了这一根本,才引发了反盗版这一现实需求。

  • 【真题试题】(2005年单项选择第26题)

    A.与转让人签订转让协议 B.与转让人共同向商标局提出申请 C.商标局予以公告 D.商标局核准转让注册商标申请

  • 教材p26,第15题(保留两位小数)